Tuesday, November 3, 2009

11w Update

How far along? 11w

Total weight gain: lost 6 lbs.

Maternity clothes? the weight loss has affected my waistline, for sure.  I still need some roomier shirts for the "girls" and I can't comfortably wear a belt anymore, but I can still get into regular, non-maternity pants.

Sleep: I've been sick the last week plus, so I've been taking Tylenol Cold & Flu PM.  Due to the sleeping aid in the medicine, I'm sleeping through the night wonderfully.

Best moment this week: Seeing the heartbeat of Chicklet again.  It was a healthy, steady 162 bmp.

Movement: I'm hesitant to say so, because in my head I know it's not possible, but there have been a couple moments where I've thought, "huh, that's a familiar sensation."

Gender: On the fence.  The more I think about it, I don't care -- I just want healthy.  I'm sure there are pros and cons to both genders.

Labor Signs: Nope.

Belly Button in or out? In.

What I miss: A "pretty" bump.  I've always sported a nice, smooth, round baby bump.  Now, it's smooth and round, but also black and purple (from the injections).  Vanity at it's finest: wanting prettiness where no one sees.

What I am looking forward to: Feeling better.  As I mentioned, I've been sick with waht I thoguth was just a cold.  Turns out, it might be bronchitis or even pneumonia.  I'm on two new prescriptions, and go back to Dr. M in a week for an evaluation and possible chest X-Ray.  (I've either pulled something badly, or cracked a rib.)

Weekly Wisdom: Rest when Chicklet's Brother rest.  The laundry will get done eventually, but there is only so much longer that I can take advantage of afternoon naps.

Milestones: For the first time in any one of my pregnancies, my baby is measuring ahead -- by almost a whole week.  If this continues at my next u/s, my EDD will be changed to -- get this -- 5/19/10.


Sara said...

5/19/10, huh? How do you feel about that? *BIGHUGS*

Here's hoping that nothing is horribly damaged in your torso! OUCH!!!

Valerie said...

I haven't been able to visit our favorite place to see your update, so I'm glad to see there's one here! Congratulations!

lalalady said...

I know the feeling about the bruised belly. It sucked. And just when they all cleared up I'd hit another doozie and get a big bruise that lasted for weeks. Then I got stretch marks. LOL You are doing great, hon, hang in there! :) Hugs, D

Hillary @ The Other Mama said...

Hmm. Wow. A little wild about the date.
I just hope you get to feeling better soon. You are doing a GREAT job, mama!!

Kim said...

So at this last u/s, there was still only 1???

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

Hope you are feeling better...love and prayers...