Tuesday, October 27, 2009

10w Update

How far along? 10w

Total weight gain: Holding steady at +/- 0 lbs.

Maternity clothes? it depends on the day.  I have been back in my regular jeans and pants this week, and they are tight around the waist, but doable.

Sleep: It still takes longer than I'd like to actually fall asleep, but I've actually been sleeping through the night -- not even having to get up to pee.

Best moment this week: Feeling cute in a maternity dress at church on Sunday and having someone pat my belly and say, "you look so cute!".

Movement: Nada.

Gender: I'm still hoping pink, but I go back and forth.  I'm getting impatient to know, though, that's for sure.

Labor Signs: Nope.

Belly Button in or out? In, but I'm having a hard time getting enough "stuff" to grab around my belly button to properly do my injections.
What I miss: Enjoying a bowl of ice cream.  Chicklet seems to have a sweets aversion.  Boo.

What I am looking forward to: Next u/s at 11w. One more week!

Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy having Chicklet's Brother be my "baby" for the next few months.

Milestones: Double digits in gestation.  Whoo-hoo!


lalalady said...

Hey lady! Happy 10 weeks yesterday! About the injections, mine was the same way, my belly was stretched so tight I could barely get skin. And, although silly,I was afraid I was injecting right into the uterus. LOL (not possible, BTW) ;)
As your belly gets tighter, just move them to the side more, halfway toward your hip bone. It hurts a little more there (I thought) but you can grab skin more easily.
Keep on keepin' on. I miss you!!
D :)

Kelly said...

Hooray for 10 weeks!! I'll just have to eat ice cream for you, oh darn!

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

Happy 10 weeks...continuing to pray...

Love to you...

Hillary @ The Other Mama said...

YAY!!! Exciting for maternity clothes and feeling cute! I hope you stay there for a while!